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Hi, We just wanted to let you know that domain OXEP.NET is being released back to the market. Since you own OXEP.ORG, we believe that you might have interest in securing OXEP.NET as well. If you are interested, please go to: to get more information and confirm your interest. All the additional information is available on our web site, but feel free to reply back to this email and we will be more than happy to help you. Kind regards, Jim Horvath Responder
We just wanted to let you know that domain OXEP.NET is being released back to the market.
Since you own OXEP.ORG, we believe that you might have interest in securing OXEP.NET as well.
If you are interested, please go to: to get more information and confirm your interest.
All the additional information is available on our web site, but feel free to reply back to this email and we will be more than happy to help you.
Kind regards,
Jim Horvath